Shop Coffe Dashboard

Shop Coffee Dashboard is a website that displays the results of multinomial logistic regression analysis and data visualization of customer satisfaction levels in coffee shops. Multinomial logistic regression analysis is used to predict the factors that influence customer satisfaction in coffee shops. Meanwhile, data visualization is used to facilitate coffee shop owners in understanding the data and analysis results.
On the Shop Coffee Dashboard website, coffee shop owners can see the results of multinomial logistic regression analysis, which show the factors that influence customer satisfaction in coffee shops. Additionally, coffee shop owners can also view data visualization of customer satisfaction levels in coffee shops in the form of easy-to-understand graphs and tables.
With the presence of the Shop Coffee Dashboard website, coffee shop owners can make informed decisions to improve customer satisfaction in their coffee shops. They can identify the factors that influence customer satisfaction and take appropriate actions to enhance the quality of their products and services.

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R Shiny
Web Dasbor
Agus Wahyu
22 Juni 2022
23 Juni 2024

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Shop Coffee Dashboard is a website that displays the results of multinomial logistic regression anal...